Sunday 19 September 2010

White Horses...

... I've just been for another walk by the sea - the waves are still thundering in my ears and I can still taste salt on my lips. Over the last few days the sea has been a writhing, gurgling monster topped with a seething mass of  foamy white tentacles... Yet at times it has also seemed elegant and inviting - pure white horses galloping atop turquoise waves that roll in and out with the tide... Rainbows have been dancing between clouds, playing hide and seek with the sun... It never ceases to amaze me how the seascape outside my window changes with every breath I take...

As I walked along watching the waves, I remembered a poem I wrote a few years back. I don't think I've put it in this blog before, although I'm sure I put it on 'myspace' quite some time ago... Having reread it, it could do with tweaking here and there, I think - but I thought I'd post it again anyway:

Stars and White Horses

Wild white horses

Gallop on the crest of the waves.

I long to ride bareback

Along the golden sand;

To the point where land

And sea


And become one.

To the point where

Mind, body and soul

Are one.

In a flurry of stamping feet

And tossing manes,

The horses rear up

And flick their tails.

And, in an instant,

They are gone.

But the roar of the sea

Goes on

And on.

The day slowly slips away

And changes into night.

The stars begin to blaze.

And, in a far away land,

A sleepy white horse

Stamps his foot;

and neighs.

and here is a little video I made - a bit wobbly and unprofessional, but never mind - I wanted to try and somehow capture the essence and feel of the sea. However, I have reached the conclusion that it is more or less impossible to capture the rawness and all that emotion in a photo or on film... You have to be there... Simple as that... and I'm so grateful that I am ... every day!


  1. The video has the sort of feeling that takes you back to your childhood - family days by the seaside! Love to the music that goes with it too - perfect!

  2. aw, thanks Martin! Glad you like it! x

  3. This is a delight Ali

    I am left with an image of you riding bareback along the sands and I am smiling


  4. You are very in tune with nature. We all need to be but you are one with it. Beautiful. Stunning both poem and video. Goosebumps

  5. aw, thank you both so much, David and Jim! You both made me smile!


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