Monday 10 October 2011

Monday Monday...

It was a bit of a gloomy start to the week when I went for a walk this morning in what started out as drizzle, but soon turned into a consistent downpour...
However, the gloominess didn't dampen my spirits. I actually quite liked the refreshing feel of the rain on my face and the taste of raindrops splashing onto my tongue...
So often, it seems, people let the weather affect their mood. But it doesn't have to. If you feel content and happy on the inside, then surely whatever is happening in the world outside can't have too much influence over your state of mind... Yet in general, people do seem to be a lot happier when the sun is shining... Speaking of which, the sun has just managed to come out, and it's stopped raining now...
A reminder that the rain, like those bad moods, never lasts long...

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
Langston Hughes

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