Yesterday was the summer solistice, so I made a point of being outdoors as much as possible. In the morning I went to my allotment for a while, but I had to work in the afternoon and evening. I finished work around 9.30pm, and headed straight to the beach for a walk, and to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful day and I'm so glad I made the most of it - I'd felt a real pull to be outdoors - so strong it couldn't be ignored.
Here's something I wrote while I was at the allotment:
'It's been a tough week, what with birthdays, father's day, and more to contend with - what used to be such happy occasions, now tinged with so much sadness and such a sense of loss ...
I'm at the allotment now. It's so peaceful here this morning. I can almost hear myself think - but I'm not ready for that yet - thinking, feeling - so I quickly push all thoughts and feelings back to that section of my mind labelled ' Danger! Enter with Extreme Care!'...
I turn back to my surroundings .... grass is nodding to and fro in the gentle summer solstice breeze. Bees are busily weaving their way in and out of foxgloves, hops, buttercups, raspberries and anything else that catches their eye. A blackbird is cheerfully singing away; delighted it's such a beautiful day. Hoverflies are droning over the pond; pausing every now and then on a lily pad.
Apples seem to have appeared overnight and are a shy, dusky pink colour. The runner beans are racing up the bamboo canes, but they haven't caught up with the broad beans yet.
The herb garden is a delight - a mixture of different colours, shades of green and a delicate array of fragrences.
There isn't a cloud in the bright blue sky, but rainbows dance in the sunlight that catches the water sprinkling from the hose pipe.
I can almost feel my spirit lift up high and play with the butterflies that seem to tumble out of nowhere. ... This morning, life is good....'
... It's so important to find out what grounds you; what enables you to connect with yourself again - particularly in times of stress, anxiety, grief, loss... For me, it's being outdoors - walking, being on the beach, in my allotment, sitting in the back yard. Also, writing, yoga, muisc and meditation help.
What does it for you?? It could be running, cycling, swimming, knitting, sewing, football ...
What does it for you?? It could be running, cycling, swimming, knitting, sewing, football ...
Find out what it is, and do it often!!