Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Let Somebody In...

Hello again 
It's been a while since my last blog... and, 'No!' - it hasn't been because of writer's block! - there are so many things I want to say; so many things I want to write about and share, but so little time... Plus, February is a difficult month for me, and I had a funeral to go to this week, so I've made a point of giving myself some space and time to reflect on things, and gather my thoughts together... Anyway; enough about me...  I thought I'd share a few thoughts that I've been pondering on tonight...
An ongoing theme in my work seems to be around fear - fear of moving on, of taking risks, of being hurt, of living, of letting go, of failing, of success, of being alone, of being in a relationship... It seems that quite a large proportion of us are hiding behind our fears of so many different things, that we are limiting our selves and we are lessening the possibility of reaching our full potential... 
Fear is a natural emotion, but when it starts to become an excuse, and when it limits our daily lives, perhaps it is time to step out from under our security blankets and start exploring these fears... Once we understand our fears, why we have them, and the impact they are having on our lives, we can start to gradually make changes, let go a little, start taking risks, and begin to get a taste of how life could be, if only we could stop being so afraid!
'But  how? How can I do it?' people often plead - as if the prospect of change in itself is so scary that it seems easier to stay in our comfort zone, limiting though it is... 
Change doesn't happen overnight - it's a gradual process. Each time a little step forward is made, it's a step closer to living a free(er) and more fulfilling life. But yes, with each risk that is taken, there comes the possibility of being hurt. In dropping our guard, our defences, our protection, we may feel exposed and vulnerable. Yes, we will get hurt - suffering is part of life. But in dealing with hurt and pain along the way, we become stronger and better equipped to deal with future pain and disappointments. With that strength comes self-belief, and the realisation that we deserve to live a rich and varied life, taking the rough with the smooth - we deserve to live - really live - rather than just continue to plod along, existing, rather than living...
Anyway, I hope this makes sense...I thought I'd end this post with the video below, as I think it ties in with the theme of fear... The words are below the video.

Let Somebody In  
Said, you want to love
But you don't know how
And you want to feel
But you're not allowed
And you want to cry
But you don't know why
And you want to give
But you're not that kind 
When you gonna let somebody in?
You might get hurt just a little bit
When you gonna let somebody in? 
Said, you want to love
But you don't know how
And you want to trust
But you're not allowed
And you want to cry
But you don't know why
And you want to give
But you're not that kind 
When you gonna let somebody in?
You might get hurt just a little bit
When you gonna let somebody in?
You want to love
But you don't know how
And you want to feel
But you don't know how
- by The Magic Numbers - 


  1. Sometimes I wonder if it is in the air. I did a very similar post today in a forum.
    Thank you for sharing your words!

  2. Thanks for reading & commenting, Antonio!
    - If it's in the air that's fine with me!

  3. Three words were given to me a long time ago. I was told they would take me anywhere I wanted to go. Those words were -
    Trust, Risk and Share.

    I didn't understand their significance at the time but I do now.

    Yes there have been times when I have had to withdraw to allow myself to recuperate but I have always come out again



  4. A heartwarming blog about fear. Loved "to step out from under our security blankets". What a beautiful, gentle but potent metaphor. Thanks for sharing, Ali.

  5. thank you for sharing your words of wisdom David - how true - I think I'll write those words down, and pin them up in my office... And yes, withdrawal is sometimes necessary too - part of 'self-care' and meeting one's needs...

    & Thank you so much for your lovely comment Maryline - and thank you for your tweet :-)

  6. I really enjoyed this blog. It is nice to feel less alone and know that these fears are felt by many. I definitely struggle with letting people in but I'm working on it. My therapist gave me the poem below after I voiced my fears to her, and it helped me immensely. Sometimes, when I feel like cancelling a session because I am struggling for whatever reason,(it is usually the fear of something) I read the poem and it really helps!

    Thanks! G

    by Author Unknown

    To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
    To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
    To reach for another is to risk involvement.
    To expose your ideas, your dreams,
    before a crowd is to risk their loss.
    To love is to risk not being loved in return.
    To live is to risk dying.
    To believe is to risk despair.
    To try is to risk failure.
    But risks must be taken, because the
    greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
    The people who risk nothing, do nothing,
    have nothing, are nothing.
    They may avoid suffering and sorrow,
    but they cannot learn, feel, change,
    grow, love, live.
    Chained by their attitudes they are slaves;
    they have forfeited their freedom.
    Only a person who risks is free.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this, G - glad you liked the blog.
    Yes, I think that the more open we become about sharing our fears, the less alone and isolated we'll feel...
    Hope you have a good weekend x


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