Thursday, 17 February 2011


Some moments in life can never be forgotten... memories fade, but certain moments stay imprinted in their stark reality for ever... I still struggle sometimes to believe the events of this time last year... I know it happened, yet it sometimes feels like it happened in a different lifetime. And in some ways, it was a different lifetime... I am a different person now... me and Iona both are...
I remember the first phonecall... the waiting... then the second phone call. Radiohead, Street Spirit (Fade Out) playing in the background, as I had to tell Iona the awful news that her Dad had died... Surely the worst possible thing in life that a parent could ever have to tell their child is that their other parent has died...
But somehow, we've survived the first year without him. I'm so proud of us, and i know that he would be too.
I hope you're at peace now. We miss you. Thanks for the happy memories of so many good times - and for all I learnt through the bad times...
I smile when I listen to the shamen, and remember us dancing madly in those good old days!

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