Monday, 25 October 2010

Thinking too much...

... Sometimes I have so many ideas, words, pictures, thoughts & feelings going round and round in my head, that it's just too much - it can get so overwhelming...

Nowadays, I nearly always carry a pen, notebook & camera with me, and it definitely helps to get some of it out of my head by writing it down on paper...

Sometimes though, the thoughts keep coming, and I have to go out for a walk to try to clear my head. That's just what I did today, but even then, the thoughts wouldn't stop, so I had to sit down on a bench for a while, and write until my mind quietened down...

I took the photos in this post when I was wandering around Tynemouth. I've always loved watching the waves crash over the pier - I remember being taken there often when I was a child - I was never very enthusiastic about walking along the pier, beacuse it was always so cold & windy ... but I was quite disappointed that the gates were locked today, and I had to make do with gazing between metal railings...

Anyway, here are some snippets of what was going round in my head today:

...Sometimes I think I take myself a bit too seriously.
Sometimes I think I take everything too seriously.
Sometimes, I think I think too much.
Sometimes, I seem to get lost in my thoughts.
Sometimes, I think I need to spend less time thinking
And more time being...  
But maybe thinking is being?...

It's late afternoon.
I'm sitting here,
By the pier,
On a bench
In the late October sun.
It feels strangely warm
But, at the same time, cold.
I listen to the roaring sea.
It feels alive;
I feel alive;
I watch ships come and go.
I watch people come and go.
'What is their story?'
I wonder.
'How do they feel?'
I feel the wind on my face.
I feel alive
And somehow
Everything makes sense.
But, at the same time,
Nothing does.
How does that feel?
Maybe, I think,
It feels real

- Whatever that is ...

It doesn't really make sense, does it?! ... But it doesn't have to! - And that is so liberating!...


  1. What a wonderful pier.

    I was there beside you on that bench.


  2. aw, how lovely!
    Thank you David.
    Yes, sometimes I think it would be nice to have a bit of company!


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