Monday, 27 April 2009

Chooisng your path ...

Life is like a journey... sometimes the path is difficult and thankfully sometimes it's gentler. It's perhaps essential that we follow a path that enables us to be authentic; real, happy and fulfilled. Other people, even those we love & respect, sometimes question the path we choose, but don't let this be an obstacle. If you listen carefully to your inner voice, you'll find that you know, deep down, which is the right path for you. Let your intuition guide you. Don't let the voices of those who question you weigh you down, like stones in your pockets; slowing you down, holding you back. Be brave. Your inner lantern will always light the way.

“Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path, but the lesson to be learned is always ours.”

(unknown author)

How is your journey through life going right now?

Do you feel that you are following the right path?

If not, it is possible to change direction and follow a new path....

If you feel you're lost, have gone in the wrong direction, or that you can't even see the path, don't worry! Sometimes it is taking the accidental twists and turns that allow us to see a bigger picture or a new direction that we hadn't even considered before.

... However, on the whole, it is a good idea to have a plan, a map, before embarking on a journey, otherwise we might not actually get very far, we might get lost, or we might end up going round in circles.

What plans have you got for your journey through life?

What are your hopes and fears?

Where would you like to be in 6 months? A year? 5 years time?

If you don't know, counselling can help you get a clearer idea of which direction you want your path through life to be going in... especially if you're feeling lost or that you're going in the wrong direction...

A counsellor won't show you the way, tell you what to do, or lead you in any way. Your counsellor will 'walk alongside you' for a while, until you feel ready and empowered to continue along the next stage of your journey unaided...

March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life's path.

Kahlil Gibran

The longest journey through life, is down the path that leads us Home.
Tony G.

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